Rising energy prices and legal requirements call for more energy efficiency – especially for the manufacturing sector with a very high energy consumption. Energy transparency and management are the key to monitor energy-intensive processes and effectively save costs. For this, flexible software that adapts to different requirements, is essential.
Industrial and manufacturing companies account for almost half of Germany’s energy consumption. Because of this, these companies have a huge obligation to be a role model when it comes to acting sustainably. Furthermore, they are obliged by DIN EN 16247of the Energy Services Act to carry out regular energy audits or to operate an energy management system in accordance with ISO 50001. This also applies to sustainability and CO2reportings.
But apart from fulfilling obligational duties, intelligent energy management software also delivers numerous advantages in terms of cost savings and energy efficiency, e.g. with
- Analyses of individual sites,
- Benchmarking of multiple sites,
- Monitoring of generation and feed-in,
- Flexible reports to meet regulatory requirements,
- CO2 reporting and many more.
Early detection of errors preventing high costs
Especially in the industry sector, there are numerous application areas, e.g. cooling or production, where automated monitoring is essential. The self-learning AI algorithms in GreenPocket’s Energy Management Software (EnMS) identify consumption patterns, develop accurate forecasts, and detect deviations from the standard profile. If an abnormal consumption is identified, the user gets notified automatically.

"In beverage production, for example, it is important to monitor cooling systems. If the consumption suddenly peaks in winter, the user is notified and faulty systems can be identified quickly. This way, the malfunction can be corrected before it causes high costs," explains Dr. Thomas Goette, CEO of GreenPocket.
The AI energy manager: Intelligently saving energy in production processes
As part of a project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Action (BMWK), GreenPocket's EnMS becomes an AI-driven energy manager and makes it possible to establish an accurate baseline.
"The energy consumption of industrial companies depends on various factors – the batch volume, the number of plants in use, etc. Relevant fluctuations and deviations in energy consumption can only be identified by establishing and monitoring the baseline. This is exactly what our baseline generator is for," explains Goette.
In addition, the EnMS makes it possible to see which energy-saving measures are worthwhile for the respective location or hall, including suggestions for investment, for example the optimization of plant technology or a complete refurbishment of machinery. The software predicts and measures the effectiveness and provides information on how much energy is saved.
"All these automations simplify processes and brings reliability, which makes it possible for energy managers and other personnel to focus on other projects," says Goette.
One visualization, numerous advantages
That shows that there are countless benefits for the industrial sector: Cost and energy savings, CO2 reduction, process automation and a sustainable image – all thanks to an EnMS.
Would you like to learn more in a detailed webinar? Feel free to contact us.