While the German energy industry is still waiting for the rollout of Smart Meter technology, GreenPocket is taking the next step... across the Atlantic.
GreenPocket goes to Phoenix
In an intensive preparatory phase, we evaluated the possibilities of an American market entry. Last year we were able to gain first impressions as conference participants, but in the second week of April it was time: To collect firsthand information on the US utility market and the challenges GreenPocket would face there, we decided to participate in a trade fair from April 8 to 11 for the first time as an exhibitor.
The choice fell on CS Week in Phoenix, Arizona. More than 2,000 industry professionals and 175 exhibitors congregated in Phoenix to discuss latest trends and developments. GreenPocket was right in the middle of all this action. As the premier customer service fair for electricity, gas and water professionals worldwide it was the perfect opportunity to showcase GreenPocket's innovative software solutions and to collect facts on the market.

Our fact-finding-mission
Taking part in CS Week proved to be a valuable investment since we managed to gain valuable market insights and generate new contacts. Our mission was to prove if our software solutions and our innovative data science approach is a fit for the market and whether we are able to compete.
Our conclusion
4 days, numerous contacts, many positive impressions - we took a lot out of CS Week and learned a great deal: About the market, the participants and the requirements of our products and are now well prepared for the next leg of our journey through the USA. Full of energy we are looking forward to our next trade fair. Stay tuned!