
GreenPocket pitched at innogy IoT summit

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On the 3rd of July, GreenPocket participated in the innogy IoT summit in Essen, Germany. The summit is a platform for business managers, technologists and practitioners working on the Internet of Things (IoT) to speak about the value, the opportunities and the development.

How presenters and the audience connected

Innogy’s mission: To become the integrator for energy solutions. The IoT refers to technologies, enabling communication between data and objects. It modifies the way in which customers use energy and the management of energy supply and distribution. There are a lot of IoT initiatives worldwide. To create a strong growing platform, the actors will need to exchange information and therefore benefit from working together. The IoT summit is an excellent occasion to meet and to get to know the other participants.

Seaside beach Essen

The event took place at the seaside beach in Essen where the guests were able to rest in the sun during the breaks between the presentations.

From energy transparency to energy intelligence

Around 250 people attended the innogy Iot summit. GreenPocket held a presentation in the track “Edge & Connectivity” to raise awareness for the waste of resources. Our sales manager Julio focused on the GreenPocket software solution for energy management using artificial intelligence. He also explained the advantages and chances like the anomaly detection, the predictive maintenance and the automated optimization.

Because of the interesting dashboard on our desktop and the information about artificial intelligence, a lot of people visited the GreenPocket space to hear more about the company and the products. Our employees had interesting conversations about artificial intelligence and big data.

Sales Manager Julio

Thank you innogy for the inviting us and the exciting exchange of experiences.

GreenPocket - Autor
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