Whether due to societal pressure for greater energy efficiency or for their own cost savings, many companies are looking for an efficient energy consumption. Especially in large companies with several locations, residential complexes or municipal facilities, there is a need for central controlling that prevents unplanned costs and checks emissions. With completely flexible measurement series, GreenPocket's energy management software has now evolved into a flexible energy efficiency tool specifically designed to meet these needs.
About 45% of the energy consumption in Germany is due to industry, trade and commerce. Companies are increasingly obliged to produce more sustainably and to reduce their CO2 emissions. Transparent and flexible energy management software is essential to make both the digitalization of metering and the expansion of generation capacities visible. This results in valuable benefits:
• Compliance with legal requirements: Disclosure of key performance indicators and creation of sustainability reports.
• Optimized plant utilization: Achieving consumption and cost savings
• Automated controlling: Elimination of manual effort
• Energy-efficient parameters: Exploring saving potentials
GreenPocket now goes one step beyond the standard and has developed its software into an efficiency tool: This tool is especially made for large industrial companies or branches with several locations, since in these companies manual monitoring is no longer manageable and the relevance for reducing emissions is the highest. By graphically processing all consumption information of various plants and buildings the management of a large plant inventory becomes as easy as pie. Also municipal facilities such as hospital chains or large residential complexes can benefit from the efficiency tool: Measurement series and different commodities can be selected flexibly to check different parameters. Another new feature is the integration and visualization of any number of sensor data. This allows the evaluation and optimization of e.g. the efficiency of heating systems.
The new functions for more energy efficiency are, as always, intuitive in their usability and yet maximally effective. With just a few clicks, important KPI’s such as efficiency factors or self-sufficiency can be examined in more detail by using the efficiency analysis. Boilers can be analyzed for their efficiency factor by providing the user precise information on how efficiently heat is generated, considering the energy supplied. The new electricity flow analysis (Sankey diagram) creates a comprehensive overview of the areas where energy is consumed and generated. This enables identifying relevant areas for savings at a glance by observing the company's overall consumption and generation break down across various sites using individually defined commodities and metrics.

Using the equation editor, KPIs can be calculated quickly and automatically (see graphic). In addition to optimal energy efficiency in production, KPIs for compressed air generation can also be calculated: In order to continuously check the value – which, for example, should be between 0.1 and 0.12 kWh/m³ at 7 bar overpressure - one can not only create a KPI for compressed air generation, but also calculate additional consumption and costs in comparison to an efficient compressor. With specified measurement series and measured variables new equations can be created, which can contain individual conversion factors, such as reference, generation and unit numbers. The editor uses data directly from the energy management software and automatically updates the results when data within the equation changes, eliminating the need for time-consuming Excel analyses with manually entered data.
GreenPocket's solution is a powerful tool for customers with multiple branches or facilities and residential complexes. With intelligent features the efficiency and sustainability can be optimized by improving plant function. Additionally, utilities can successfully distribute the tool to their customers, pointing out individual trends and efficiency measures.
The new energy management software, which turns everyone into an energy efficiency professional, prepares you for a climate-neutral future.